“Deliciously Cocky and Confident”

Theater Eddys review for ‘As You Like It’ with San Francisco Shakespeare Festival

“A Total Giggle”

Annika Bergman (who was earlier the beefed-up Charles the Wrestler) is a total giggle as Phebe, the epitome of awkward moves and stumbles in her love-sick state for Ganymede. [She] sings a hilariously staged “Phoebe’s Lament”

-Theater Eddys review for ‘As You Like It’ With San Francisco Shakespeare Festival


"The magnetic Annika Bergman portrays an independent and savvy Sally Bowles, who in other productions often is reduced to a clueless waif...Bergman never lets us forget that Sally has mastered the art controlling her own life."

-Theatrius’ review for Cabaret

“Maybe This Time is one of the highlights for the dark evening.”

"Bergman is goth cute, yet a dark Sally who is enchanting. She navigates the moving anthem “Maybe This Time” which is one of the highlights for the dark evening." -VMedia

—VMedia review for Cabaret


"It takes a truly gifted actor to deliver... embody... Sally Bowles. Thank you for crafting the depth essential for this character...One of THE finest performances I've ever witnessed on a local stage."

-Vicki Victoria review for Cabaret


“Sensitive, Polished, Complex.”

"Annika Bergman's sensitive, polished, complex interpretation of Sally Bowles gives an extra dimension of dramatic and vocal depth to a show that is already riveting from start to finish." - Avi Jacobson 

— Avi Jacobson review for Cabaret

“Fully Engaging.”

"Annika Bergman (is) fully engaging and carries the story easily. Bergman is a charmer with a lovely voice. Without a trace of the criminal fervor, in her partner, she is entirely confident and likeable in Bonnie's It Girl dreams and unshakeable love for Clyde. Bergman and Shultz are a complimentary pair."

-East Bay Times review for Bonnie and Clyde



When Maggie’s selfie-addicted friend Elizabeth (multifaceted Annika Bergman) comes in like a storm, grinning like the Cheshire Cat, I have to laugh. 

Theatrius’ review for Seen/By Everyone

“Perfect sexy flirt and swagger!”

Annika Bergman delivers real life character Evelyn Nesbit with the perfect sexy flirt and swagger. Her role in a larger production would feature her famous swing, yet the clever Bergman recreates that mood with a wonderful tone."

-Vince Media review for Ragtime


“played to heartbreaking perfection by Bergman”

The role that really got me was Annika Bergman’s “Elizabeth”…Elizabeth has been in a state of unshakable denial about Maggie’s death, which Elizabeth never processed.It’s this sort of denial – played to heartbreaking perfection by Bergman – that broke me. Specifically, it was her karaoke-style rendition of “Time After Time”, stopping when it becomes to painful to continue. I can’t recall the last time an otherwise cliché character moved me so much.