"The magnetic Annika Bergman portrays an independent and savvy Sally Bowles, who in other productions often is reduced to a clueless waif...Bergman never lets us forget that Sally has mastered the art controlling her own life." -Theatrius
"It takes a truly gifted actor to deliver...embody...Sally Bowles. Thank you for crafting the depth essential for this character...One of THE finest performances I've ever witnessed on a local stage." - Facebook
"Annika Bergman's sensitive, polished, complex interpretation of Sally Bowles gives an extra dimension of dramatic and vocal depth to a show that is already riveting from start to finish." - Avi Jacobson
"Bergman is goth cute, yet a dark Sally who is enchanting. She navigates the moving anthem “Maybe Next Time” which is one of the highlights for the dark evening." -VMedia
"Annika Bergman (is) fully engaging and carries the story easily. Bergman is a charmer with a lovely voice. Without a trace of the criminal fervor, in her partner, she is entirely confident and likeable in Bonnie's It Girl dreams and unshakeable love for Clyde. Bergman and Shultz are a complimentary pair." -East Bay Times
"Saw Bonnie and Clyde by this company. The stage was bursting with talent. The pair that played Bonnie and Clyde were incredibly talented. Great voices." -Yelp
"What a great show. There was a great love story added to the Bonnie and Clyde theme. Great costumes, great singing, great orchestra, and great acting." -Sharon Morris
"Annika Bergman delivers real life character Evelyn Nesbit with the perfect sexy flirt and swagger. Her role in a larger production would feature her famous swing, yet the clever Bergman recreates that mood with a wonderful tone." -Vince Media
"One of the most truly epic shows ever to have filled a stage, the original Broadway production featured a cast of 50. This production scales that down somewhat to a cast of 17. They are able to do it, and they do it very well. Kudos to the entire cast and crew for this triumph!" -Joint Force Journal